What Does It Mean To have Courage?

Courage is being afraid but doing it any ways.

Courage is showing up and suiting up each and every day.

Courage is standing up for your beliefs.

Courage is doing the right thing, not the easy thing.

Courage is having the ability to speak up when things are wrong.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.

Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

Courage starts with showing up and allowing our authentic selves to be seen.

Courage is being able to reach out and ask for help.

Courage does not mean that you are not afraid.

Courage is when you are willing to be vulnerable and allow your real feelings to come out.

Courage is when you are terrified to tell your story but realize you need to tell your story and by sharing your story it will help others to heal.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgement that something else is more important than fear.

Courage is the first quality of a Warrior.

Courage means that fear does not stop you.

Courage is protecting those that you care about.

Courage is standing up for those that need protection.

Courage is being able to inspire others.

Courage is the commitment to go on.

Courage is facing the pain that is deep inside.

Courage is taking a stand against things that are wrong.

Courage does not roar, sometimes courage is having the ability to say I will try again tomorrow.

Courage is doing the best you can do for today.

Courage is reaching out a hand to help others.

Courage is following your heart and intuition.

Courage is the magic that makes dreams became a reality

Courage is when you are willing to take steps to take care of yourself.

Courage is when you able to show your tears.


Author: shellback0608

Julie "Jewels" is an Author, Poet, Nia Blue Belt, Green Belt, White Belt dance instructor, Reiki Jin Kei Do Energy Healer, and advocate. When she is not writing, you can find her learning new Nia routines, listening to healing music, taking photographs, playing with her dog and spending time with her friends and family.

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